Below are showcased publications produced by NOAHE Members. If you are a NOAHE member and would like to have your publication featured on our website and on social media affiliated with the Network, please contact us at; Not a NOAHE member? Sign up here!

Please note: The publications listed on this page serve to showcase the work of our individual members only, and do not necessarily represent the views of the Network of Alberta Health Economists (NOAHE), NOAHE Members, and/or NOAHE funders.

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Results for: Klemens Wallner Andrews Tawiah Arto Ohinmaa Deborah Marshall

The Health and Financial Impacts of a Sugary Drink Tax Across Different Income Groups in Canada

Comparing alternating pressure mattresses and high-specification foam mattresses to prevent pressure ulcers in high-risk patients: the PRESSURE 2 RCT

Discriminative validity of the EQ-5D-5 L and SF-12 in older adults with arthritis.

Temporal changes in diet quality and the associated economic burden in Canada

The Economic Burden of Not Meeting Food Recommendations in Canada: the Cost of Doing Nothing

Quality of Acute Myocardial Infarction Care in Canada: A 10-Year Review of 30-Day In-Hospital Mortality and 30-Day Hospital Readmission

"Part of the Team": Mapping the outcomes of training patients for new roles in health research and planning

Association of body mass index (BMI) and percent body fat among BMI-defined non-obese middle-aged individuals: Insights from a population-based Canadian sample

Stem cells and beta cell replacement therapy: a prospective health technology assessment study

The price of whole-genome sequencing may be decreasing, but who will be sequenced?

"What Goes Around Comes Around": Lessons Learned from Economic Evaluations of Personalized Medicine Applied to Digital Medicine

Estimating Preferences for Complex Health Technologies: Lessons Learned and Implications for Personalized Medicine