Below are showcased publications produced by NOAHE Members. If you are a NOAHE member and would like to have your publication featured on our website and on social media affiliated with the Network, please contact us at; Not a NOAHE member? Sign up here!

Please note: The publications listed on this page serve to showcase the work of our individual members only, and do not necessarily represent the views of the Network of Alberta Health Economists (NOAHE), NOAHE Members, and/or NOAHE funders.

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Results for: 2020 Shainur Premji Andrews Tawiah Amity Quinn Marie Varughese Aidan Hollis

Maximizing maternal health and value for money in postpartum depression screening: a cost-effectiveness analysis using the All Our Families cohort and administrative data in Alberta, Canada

Factors Associated with Drug Shortages in Canada: A Retrospective Cohort Study.

Global clinical trial mobilization for COVID-19: higher, faster, stronger

Impact of payment model on the behaviour of specialist physicians: A systematic review

Industry incentives and antibiotic resistance: an introduction to the antibiotic susceptibility bonus

Association between change in physician remuneration and use of peritoneal dialysis: a population-based cohort analysis

Impact of isolation precautions on quality of life: a meta-analysis